5 Ways To Become A Better Producer

Being familiar with your equipment is essential when producing high-quality content. Not only having good equipment, but knowing how to use it is crucial when preparing for an Epic shoot.

5 Ways To Become A Better Producer With Lead Producer Marteen Cleary

1. Keep High Standards

Hold yourself to the same cinematic standards as you would see in productions in film and television. At Epic we use industry standard lighting and grip equipment which includes brands such as Lite Panel, Aperture, Manfrotto, Matthews, and Seinheizer. For camera support we utilize Teradek, small HD monitors, and hands free communication via Eartek. For more complex shots, we use our Steadicam set up to capture dynamic movements.

2. Stay Organized

All of our equipment has a designated case that is organized and easy to find. We choose equipment based on the client’s needs for each shoot.

3. Quality Matters

We pride ourselves in providing the highest quality work that we can deliver to our clients. We are on the forefront of an ever advancing industry and we keep current with new technologies as they arise. The experience our Epic team members have acquired over the years set us apart and make us experts in our field.

5. Use The Best Equipment Possible

Epic utilizes all kinds of cameras during our shoots depending on the look and feel we are going for for your company. We have always used and loved the reliability and look of our Canon cameras. Right now our most used cameras are our Canon C300 Mark III as our main cameras, the Canon C70’s for quick pick up or event style shoots, and a couple of drones including the Mavic Zoom & Mavic 3 Cine.

4. Practice Time Management

The best part of hiring a professional video production company is that you are hiring expert artists in the field. Although we pride ourselves in working efficiently with a small footprint, there are so many parts that come together to get the shot. Whether that is gear, crew, talent, make up, props, directing etc, things take a little more time to get the best quality shot that we can get. Another overlooked item in the production process is utilizing natural lighting. This goes hand in hand with time management. Sunrise and sunset lighting provides a soft and glowy look vs. a harsh and shadowy lighting that is given at noon.

Contact us today to get started on planning and shooting your high-quality corporate video that will wow your audience and solidifies sales.