Intern at Epic

At Epic, we do our best to search for fresh talent to strengthen our team and assist with various projects or tasks. Recently, we came across someone who fits our team culture and can use their experience to enhance our workflow. Our most recent intern, Cameron Provo, joined our team at Epic in May 2023. Cameron focused on audio and video editing and assisted with production needs on set with the Epic team during the summer. Cameron first heard about Epic when he visited as a part of a class field trip. Cameron was interested in working for a company like Epic for many reasons. “I always liked the corporate side of media production, not necessarily the Hollywood narrative side, and I like that real-world aspect of the industry. Epic fits this description perfectly,” Cameron explained.

According to Cameron, it’s important to be multifaceted in production needs and learn to do everything while taking chances and trying new things. “It’s good to know how to do all different types of tasks when it comes to production because it opens you up to more opportunities,” Cameron said. Cameron’s favorite part of his internship was feeling like he was a part of the team from the get-go. “I didn’t feel like I was an intern; I felt like a part of the team, and everyone was very welcoming and exciting to work with,” he shared.

Cameron is now a full-time employee at Epic, and his responsibilities have evolved since he was an intern. “As an intern, I was thrown into the fire immediately,” Cameron said. His initial responsibilities are now like clockwork to him, and he has started working on more complicated projects. “Sam has put me in charge of putting together our new audio kit and equipment on set, and I also am responsible for more PD videos,” Cameron advises future interns to always say yes to new tasks and not to shy away from learning something new. “Learning new skills is a part of working with the team, and you will only learn something if you are open to a challenge.”

Interning at Epic provides an excellent opportunity to learn production techniques and gain real-world experience. You can expect to learn something new daily and expand your knowledge on many production topics. According to Cameron, handling different production tasks is beneficial because it opens you up to more opportunities, and Epic can prepare you for this. During his internship, Cameron had a positive experience and learned new skills and techniques that led to him receiving a full-time position.

If you’re interested in production and want to learn from industry experts, interning at Epic is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable experience and expand your skill set.

Contact us today to get started on planning and shooting your high-quality corporate video that will wow your audience and solidifies sales.