Animated marketing video production is all done in-house. Epic Productions is proud of our in-house art department offering unique craftsmanship with no mark up with precise delivery. Animated marketing videos have gained tremendous amounts of popularity over the years and continue to be high in demand for several reasons. First and foremost, video marketing campaigns heavily increase click through rates and ultimately 68% of viewers watching online videos will share those videos with their friends. Through animated videos, you’re able to instantly catch a viewer’s attention right off the bat and communicate visually using music, voice, motion and movement of pictures that are all unique and sure to impress. Epic Production’s amazing art department rises to every creative occasion.

Iris PR Software takes pride leading technology and solution as the PR superheroes. Iris PR Software came to us with a need of a full custom motion graphics spot while utilizing and maintaining the integrity of their brand standards. Animated marketing video production is highly sought after intangible products and services, animation and generated computer graphics give life and display purpose. We were able to effectively engage all viewers by thoroughly explaining their business goals, educating customers and targeting the right audience. This video is found on their homepage and contributes strength to those interested in product demonstration. With the concept of animated marketing videos, you’re able to take a less formal approach and give the potential customer something they can specifically relate too. Web content that utilizes animation also adds value to the length of time one spends on such a website, addressing and highlighting the multi- functionalities of this innovative software. At the end of the day, you will be providing an animated video experience that gets your message across while keeping your audience engaged and interested the entire time.

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