When marketing education to potential families, it’s vital to communicate empathy, your values and teaching techniques. The best way to do this, for instance, is through an education marketing strategy video. Additionally, websites with video increase traffic up to 55% and users spend 88% longer on websites with video. Involving a promotional school video to your website will grab viewers’ attention quickly and showcase your program’s culture. Take a peek at some of our marketing education projects with Innovation Learning.

Marketing Education Video Examples

Epic Productions worked with Innovation Learning to create multiple videos promoting their before and after school program. When filming, it was important to show their balance of fun and learning in the video series. These are a great example of education videos that market their organization’s strengths through testimony. Using perspective from both teachers and parents, we were able to fully capture the Innovation Learning experience. When marketing education in video, it’s an opportunity to highlight the unique differences that make you stand out amongst competition.

Epic Productions is an experienced video production company that knows just how to make your next project a reality. From script to screen, Epic is a full-service video production company that works closely with our clients to ensure a high quality product. There are many different ways to use education videos to improve your marketing strategy. Whether you are increasing enrollment or showing off continued success, Epic is hear to create just what you need. So, let’s get started! Reach out to the Epic team today.

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