Job posts accompanied with a recruiting video receive 36% more applications. Organizations are seeing the overall investment towards recruiting as they do with advertising, they’re willing to spend 7x more. On average, companies spend $173 per hire, promoting availability within a company. Whereas eCommerce spends about $24.50 for new customers ($52.50 for repeat customers). Marketers communicate the value of a product/service to customers much like recruiters communicate company values/culture to candidates.
Recruiters need quantity in order to refine quality. On average, a company can lose $300,000 annually on a bad hire, 41% of companies found it cost them $25,000 per bad hire and another 25% reported $50,000 per bad hire. Recruiters have so little time fact checking because they are too consumed explaining the overall job description and expectations. Nine out of ten candidates believe company culture plays a key role regarding an applicant’s initial interest working with a company. Recruiting videos can set this tone, demonstrating teamwork and camaraderie. Hiring motivated employees sets the mood for future employees down the line, continuously attracting “the one”.
“On average, a company can lose $300,000 on a bad hire.”
Much like marketing, brand awareness is also a key factor. Employer branding is much like brand awareness as it’s the process of promoting a company, or an organization, as the employer of choice to a desired target group. Employers are replacing content marketing with content recruiting because recruiting practices need to be consistent with branding strategies or else organizations risk missing out on top talent and potential revenue. Job seekers are also customers, looking for insight and continuing to do so elsewhere, by finding uncontrolled content or getting distracted by a competitor’s site. That’s where Epic Productions comes into effect; we are the leader in digital marketing content and solutions, we create unique recruiting videos that will give your police department the upper hand on competition.
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