what is inbound marketing

What Is Inbound Marketing?

What is inbound marketing? Inbound marketing earns someone’s attention rather than demanding it like outbound marketing does. The goal is to attract your target audience through effective and informative content that is relevant and helpful. Inbound marketing doesn’t interrupt your customers nor does it fight for their attention. Instead, this type of content addresses the needs of your audience and allows them to find you on their terms. When done right, inbound marketing attracts qualified prospects and builds overall credibility for your company.

Creating content based on search trends is the best place to start. Using Google Analytics can help you decipher exactly what it is that current customers are interested in. By creating an inbound marketing strategy based upon that information, you can naturally reel in leads. This also helps you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your own brand which helps you develop an online strategy. Inbound marketing coincides with content marketing since quality content is what initially appeals to customers and allows you to be successful.

what is inbound marketing

What is inbound marketing without an effective strategy? There are numerous ways to bring potential customers to your website. However, the most effective approaches relate to having relevant blog topics, engaging posts on social media, and exciting video content.


Search engine optimization is an important part of inbound marketing. Using effective keyword analysis, a well-structured site design and other SEO “best practices” to launch your company to the top of search results will ensure that your content is being seen by the right audience and bringing in the right leads. Did you know that 93% of online experiences start with a search engine? Organic leads have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound leads (such as direct mail or print advertising) only have a 1.7% close rate.

Social Media

Developing informative and engaging social media posts is an inbound marketing tactic that is sometimes overlooked. Did you know that in 2012, the average internet user had three social media accounts? Now, the average is closer to seven accounts. Capitalizing on the benefits social media has to offer is the simplest form of inbound marketing. Posting content that appeals to your audience and creates a common interest allows for your target demographic to pull the trigger on their terms.


Did you know that 77% of Internet users read blogs? Blogging is the most common form of inbound marketing as it can play a powerful role in driving traffic and nurturing leads. Blogs are the content placed on your site to entertain, educate and get a point across to your audience. The goal is to provide value to your readers and allow them to trust your expertise. As a result, 60% of marketers say blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority.


So which inbound marketing strategy that is at the top of our list? Video production! One-third of online activity involves watching video. It’s also the most engaging type of content out there. Most importantly, including video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80% or more. This is the easiest way to introduce your business. In addition, video drives a 157% increase in organic traffic from SERPs (search engine result pages) which perfectly combines with a SEO strategy.

Outbound marketing is launched through traditional mediums. This information is completely unsolicited. Most of us grew up seeing this type of marketing on the radio, on TV, in newspapers or magazines, through direct-mail, on billboards, or via event sponsorships. There’s really no strategy behind it, and tracking ROI is nearly impossible. Traditional advertising costs are not as measurable as online or digital costs and returns. Essentially, outbound marketing uses the spray and pray method where you’re talking “at” customers.  Inbound marketing, on the other hand, is talking “among” customers.

of direct mail never gets opened
million people are enlisted on the Do Not Call Registry
of people fast forward through commercials

There is a big divide when it comes to online advertising. Intrusive pop-ups and SPAM are considered outbound marketing tactics, and can frustrate customers. Inbound marketing uses less intrusive tactics, and allows you to have more measurable results. By segmenting large audiences into smaller groups and presenting each of those groups with relevant campaigns, you can reach the right people with less costs.

As a result of inbound marketing, conversions can increase by 750%. How do we know this? We practice what we preach, check out this online video marketing campaign launched for a local credit union. If you’re looking to break out of the box, reach out to our Digital Team so we can help you build solid inbound marketing strategy.