Online Video Marketing

Online Video Marketing, Content Marketing Strategy

Online video marketing starts with a well defined content marketing strategy. Content marketing is the base of all online video marketing efforts, speaking the language; talking “with” your audience, not “at” your audience. Beginning its approach is highly thought out and focused on creating and distributing relevant content in a consistent matter.  Doing so correctly will attract and retain a clearly-defined audience therefore seeing a larger return on investment (ROI).  When an audience is more refined and can relate to the content, the results speak for themselves.  Arizona Federal Credit Union appeals to multiple audiences, offering various services to different income levels and geographics. Although everyone needs banking services, do they know when they need them?  That’s where our creative and analytical team comes in applying content marketing to each online video.  Mobile Solutions is the latest service launch that appeals to every technophile (which is the majority of online users).  Technophiles are enthusiastic technology customers, buying the latest gadgets and researching software.  There’s no strategy when going after technophiles unless you categorize this audience and clearly define their interests (other than technology). In order to make a personal introduction versus one made to the masses, we should speak their language. Like any introduction, utilizing content marketing commits to a better understanding, including where they are coming from and what their interests are.


Website Traffic Overview & Stats

Shutterbugs/ Social Media Enthusiasts
Relationships and Online Dating
Foodies/ Aspiring Chefs
Movie Lovers

Behind The Scenes

  • commercial
  • commercial broadcast
  • broadcast commercial
  • Online Video Marketing

Our Digital Marketing Manager, who strategically places online ads, left the gates open on Arizona Federal’s previous campaign (My Comeback with Kurt Warner) with no targeting and no criteria… just old fashioned brand awareness. After collecting the data from that campaign, she found the majority of interested audience members were movie lovers, shutterbugs, foodies and social media enthusiasts. We also noticed an interest in “online dating and relationships”. Each of these elements helped us to define Arizona Federal’s audience their online video marketing strategy. Based on our analytic findings each online video was strategically placed accordingly to the audience interests, speaking their language and connecting with each online video marketing strategy.For their latest campaign, Mobile Solutions, we implemented these analytical insights into each videos storyline. Each video explains each functionality of the banking app, including a young couple dating going to the movies, out to eat and to sporting events… running into Kurt Warner everywhere they go.

Content Marketing Strategy

Speaking to the Movie Lovers: Google reports 80% of movie ticket buyers purchased a ticket within 48 hours after watching a movie trailer via YouTube. Our digital team placed the series of Arizona Federal’s Mobile Solutions ads Online and across Harkins Theaters Valley wide. Utilizing cinema advertising to serve as re-targeting, we’ve created the modern Jedi Mind Trick.

Speaking to the Sport Fans: Thinking ahead one bead of sweat at a time, we shot these spots in August (outside, during a Phoenix summer’s night) to make sure Arizona Federal could promote their new products to one of their target demographics, sports fans. With a fall to spring campaign season, these ads are geared to speak to Football fans and World Series viewers alike.

Speaking to the Shutterbugs/Social Media Enthusiasts and Foodies: The term “Selfie” has been inducted to the Webster Dictionary, along with the phrase “Food Selfie”. Yup, “Food Selfie” is a thing and we incorporated such terminology into our creative videos in order to connect with millennials. Since we’re speaking to the social media enthusiasts, #selfie trends about 2.5 million times weekly on Twitter alone.

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