Epic Productions is a film production company that is casting several extras for a series of commercials for a local credit union in the valley! We are looking for 10-15 children ranging in ages from six to ten years old, 3 adults between the ages of 30-40, and 15-20 people between the ages of 18-60 with dogs. This video production …
Phoenix Casting Call: Web Video Production
Epic Productions is casting again! We are looking for 4–5 extras to be a part of an upcoming web video for a start-up company in a Downtown Phoenix, modern co-working space. We need Millennial male and female background extras to be on set for a half day of shooting late in May. If interested, please read the information below and submit …
Phoenix Casting Call: Seeking Local AZ Talent
Epic Productions is holding a Phoenix casting call in our brand new studio! As the fastest growing video production company in Arizona, we’re always seeking local talent. Currently, we are seeking male and female talent, ages 65 and up, to be on set. This online video will be for a senior living facility in the Goodyear area. Audition dates and …
Casting Extras in Phoenix
Epic Productions is producing a corporate web video, casting extras in the Scottsdale and surrounding area to be in the background of our latest project. We are a creative and unique video production company headquartered right in the heart of Scottsdale, serving Arizona’s video advertising needs for over 11 years. We’re searching for a few individuals to join us on …